Male Hairdressing
Beard grooming
2 000 Ft
Estimated duration: 15 minutes
Hajvágás (géppel+ollóval) by Wéber Dániel
7 200 Ft
A szolgáltatás ára tartalmazza a hajmosást és a szárítást, igény esetén az árban benne van a szakáll igazítás is.
Estimated duration: 40 minutes
Female Hairdressing
Haircut (short hair)
7 500 Ft
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
Haircut (shoulder length hair)
9 500 Ft
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
Haircut (long hair)
10 500 Ft
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
Haircut (extra long hair)
12 500 Ft
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
Hair Wash and Blow Dry (short long hair)
5 000 Ft
Estimated duration: 40 minutes
Hair Wash and Blow Dry (shoulder length hair)
5 500 Ft
Estimated duration: 45 minutes
Hair Wash and Blow Dry (long hair)
6 500 Ft
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
Hair Wash and Blow Dry (extra long hair)
7 500 Ft
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s)
1 600 Ft
A szolgáltatás ára tartalmazza a lakkot/hajfényt/hajolajat.
Estimated duration: 15 minutes
3 500 Ft
A szolgáltatás ára tartalmazza a lakkot/hajfényt/hajolajat.
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Fonás saját hajjal (30-60 perc)
2 500 Ft
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Joico hajújraépítő kezelés (rövid hajra)
7 000 Ft
A Joico hajújrépítő kezelés kifejezetten sérült, roncsolt, erőtlen hajtípus számára ajánlott. Színtől, hajhossztól és hajszál-vastagságtól függetlenül alkalmazható hajszerkezet újraépítésére.
A Joico egyedi fejlesztésű Smart Release liposzómás technológiájának köszönhetően hatékonyan építi újra, erősíti és óvja a sérült haj szerkezetét – pont ott, ahol szükség van rá. Így kapunk újra egészséges, gyönyörű hajat!
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Joico hajújraépítő kezelés (félhosszú hajra)
7 500 Ft
A Joico hajújrépítő kezelés kifejezetten sérült, roncsolt, erőtlen hajtípus számára ajánlott. Színtől, hajhossztól és hajszál-vastagságtól függetlenül alkalmazható hajszerkezet újraépítésére.
A Joico egyedi fejlesztésű Smart Release liposzómás technológiájának köszönhetően hatékonyan építi újra, erősíti és óvja a sérült haj szerkezetét – pont ott, ahol szükség van rá. Így kapunk újra egészséges, gyönyörű hajat!
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Joico hajújraépítő kezelés (hosszú hajra)
8 000 Ft
A Joico hajújrépítő kezelés kifejezetten sérült, roncsolt, erőtlen hajtípus számára ajánlott. Színtől, hajhossztól és hajszál-vastagságtól függetlenül alkalmazható hajszerkezet újraépítésére.
A Joico egyedi fejlesztésű Smart Release liposzómás technológiájának köszönhetően hatékonyan építi újra, erősíti és óvja a sérült haj szerkezetét – pont ott, ahol szükség van rá. Így kapunk újra egészséges, gyönyörű hajat!
Estimated duration: 35 minutes
Joico hajújraépítő kezelés (extra hosszú hajra)
8 500 Ft
A Joico hajújrépítő kezelés kifejezetten sérült, roncsolt, erőtlen hajtípus számára ajánlott. Színtől, hajhossztól és hajszál-vastagságtól függetlenül alkalmazható hajszerkezet újraépítésére.
A Joico egyedi fejlesztésű Smart Release liposzómás technológiájának köszönhetően hatékonyan építi újra, erősíti és óvja a sérült haj szerkezetét – pont ott, ahol szükség van rá. Így kapunk újra egészséges, gyönyörű hajat!
Estimated duration: 40 minutes
Root Dyeing (short hair)
From 17 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes
Root Dyeing (shoulder length hair)
From 19 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s) 40 minutes
Root Dyeing (long hair)
From 20 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Root Dyeing (extra long hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Root Dyeing + Haircut (short hair)
From 20 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Root Dyeing + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Root Dyeing + Haircut (long hair)
From 23 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Root Dyeing + Haircut (extra long hair)
From 25 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 20 minutes
Full hair dyeing (short hair)
From 19 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Full hair dyeing (shoulder length hair)
From 20 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Full hair dyeing (long hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 20 minutes
Full hair dyeing (extra long hair)
From 24 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 20 minutes
Full hair dyeing + Haircut (short hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Full hair dyeing + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 23 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 20 minutes
Full hair dyeing + Haircut (long hair)
From 25 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Full hair dyeing + Haircut (extra long hair)
From 27 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Highlights (short hair)
From 18 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s) 45 minutes
Highlights (shoulder length hair)
From 21 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 40 minutes
Highlights (long hair)
From 24 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 50 minutes
Highlights (extra long hair)
From 26 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Root Dyeing (short hair)
From 20 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Highlights + Root Dyeing (shoulder length hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Highlights + Root Dyeing (long hair)
From 25 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Root Dyeing (extra long hair)
From 27 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Haircut (short hair)
From 21 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 15 minutes
Highlights + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 24 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 10 minutes
Highlights + Haircut (long hair)
From 27 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Haircut (extra long)
From 29 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 20 minutes
Highlights + Root Dyeing + Haircut (short hair)
From 23 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Root Dyeing + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 25 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Highlights + Root Dyeing + Haircut (long hair)
From 28 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
Highlights + Root Dyeing + Haircut (extra long hair)
30 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
46 000 Ft
Az AirTouch Egy alapvetően Oroszországból eredő technika amely ma a jelenleg legmodernebb innováció arra, hogy átmenetet képezzünk a hajban.
A legfontosabb tudnivaló, hogy nem minden hajtípus AirToucholható, ez a technika sajátossága miatt van.
A hajfestés alatt, a lehető legvékonyabb tincseket választjuk le és eme tincs rövidebb szálait, hajszárító segítségével kifújjuk a tincsből (innen az AirTouch elnevezés, azaz LégÉrintés) majd kizárólag a megmaradt, hosszabb szálak kerülnek világosításra.
Így érjük el a legtökéletesebb és legtermészetesebbnek ható átmenetet.
Ez rendkívül sok anyagot, és időt vehet igénybe, eszerint kerül kikalkulálásra a szolgáltatás pontos összege, ami a legtöbb esetben teljes pontossággal előre nem határozható meg, ellenben a munkamenet alatt felmerülő költségek maradéktalanul kalkulálhatóak.
Esetleges kizáró tényező:
- Tömör teljesen egyhosszú egységesen dús hajtípus -ez minden más esetben egy hatalmas bók, az AirTouchnál sajnos kizáró ok, ezen hajtípusú vendégek számára a BabyLights technika lesz a megfelelő, amely munkamenet szempontjából csak a hajszárítóval való tincs-szeparálásban tér el.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage/babylights + Highlights (shoulder length hair)
From 33 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage/babylights + Highlights (long hair)
From 37 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Balayage/babylights + Highlights (extra long hair)
From 39 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Balayage/babylights + Highlights + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 36 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage/babylights + Highlights + Haircut (long hair)
From 40 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage/babylights + Highlights + Haircut (extra long hair)
From 42 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights (shoulder length hair)
From 36 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights (long hair)
From 38 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights (extra long hair)
From 42 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights + Haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 39 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights + Haircut (long hair)
From 41 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Balayage + Root Dyeing + Highlights + Haircut (extra long hair)
From 46 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Intensive coloring (short hair)
From 18 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes
Intensive coloring (shoulder length hair)
From 20 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 1 hour(s) 40 minutes
Intensive coloring (long hair)
From 22 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Intensive coloring (extra long hair)
From 24 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Intensive coloring + haircut (short hair)
From 21 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s)
Intensive coloring + haircut (shoulder length hair)
From 23 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 10 minutes
Intensive coloring + haircut (long hair)
From 25 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Intensive coloring + haircut (extra long hair)
From 27 000 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Color correction (Color changing - short hair)
From 21 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Color correction (Color changing - shoulder length hair)
From 27 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s)
Color correction (Color changing - long hair)
From 31 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Color correction (Color changing - extra long hair)
From 33 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s)
Color correction (Color changing + Haircut - short hair)
From 24 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
Color correction (Color changing + Haircut - shoulder length hair)
From 30 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 3 hour(s) 30 minutes
Color correction (Color changing + Haircut - long hair)
From 34 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes
Color correction (Color changing + Haircut - extra long hair)
From 36 500 Ft
The price may vary if more hair dying is required than average.
Hair washing and drying are included in the service price.
Estimated duration: 4 hour(s) 30 minutes